Commercial Landscape Installation in Nashville, Tennessee

Ruppert Landscape is a full-scope commercial landscape construction contractor serving the Nashville region

Ruppert's Tennessee landscape construction team

Our Tennessee branch serves large-scale construction projects in the Nashville, Memphis, and Knoxville regions, including: Davidson County, Williamson County, Robertson County, Sumner County, Rutherford County, Cheatham County, Wilson County, Shelby County, Tipton County, Fayette County, and Knox County. Services include estimating and pre-construction services; installation of landscape, hardscape, and special decorative structures; and irrigation and water management.

Landscape Installation

Hardscape Installation

Irrigation & Water Management

Site Structures

Branch Leadership

Ken Steich

Branch Manager

Ken oversees all landscape installation operations in our Tennessee branch, managing projects across the region. His role encompasses strategic planning, budgeting, personnel development, and maintaining high standards of customer satisfaction. He holds an MBA from West Texas A&M University and a bachelor’s degree in landscape contracting from Penn State University and has over a decade of landscape industry experience.