Transitioning Turf: Post-Summer Care for Commercial Landscapes

By Matt Murdock, Area Manager

As the scorching days of summer yield to the cooler embrace of autumn, commercial landscaping companies face the aftermath of seasonal challenges that can leave turf weary and worn. From battling heat stress to mitigating the effects of pets and diseases, the post-summer period demands a strategic approach to turf care.

Let’s delve into the lingering effects of summer and explore key indicators to monitor as landscapes transition into the new season.

Rejuvenating Heat-Stressed Turf

The relentless summer sun can take a toll on turf health, leaving behind patches of wilted, discolored grass. As temperatures begin to cool, it’s essential to assess and address the lingering effects of heat stress.

  • Thorough Inspection: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the turf to identify areas that have suffered the most from heat stress. Look for signs of wilting, browning, or thinning grass.
  • Rehydration: Increase irrigation frequency to replenish soil moisture levels and promote recovery. Pay special attention to areas with shallow root systems or poor drainage.
  • Fertilization: Apply a balanced fertilizer to stimulate root growth and enhance turf resilience. Consider incorporating organic amendments to improve soil structure and moisture retention.

Managing Pet Urine Damage

During the summer, pets use the landscape for play but can leave behind unsightly brown spots caused by concentrated urine. As autumn arrives, take steps to address and prevent further damage.

  • Spot Treatment: Identify areas affected by pet urine and implement targeted treatments to neutralize acidity and promote turf recovery. Consider overseeding to fill in bare patches.
  • Educational Outreach: Engage clients in discussions about pet waste management and encourage responsible pet ownership practices, such as prompt spot rinsing and designated pet relief areas.

Mitigating Fungal Diseases

Humid conditions during summer provide fertile ground for fungal diseases like Brown Patch and Pythium to thrive. Even as temperatures cool, vigilance against these pathogens remains crucial.

  • Fungicide Application: Continue preventive fungicidal treatments in areas prone to fungal infections, especially during periods of high humidity or rainfall. Monitor for signs of disease resurgence and adjust treatment accordingly.
  • Air Circulation Enhancement: Trim back overhanging vegetation and aerate compacted soil to improve airflow and reduce moisture buildup, minimizing conditions conducive to fungal growth.

Addressing Turf Thinning and Compaction

Summer foot traffic and equipment use can cause soil compaction and thinning of turf, compromising the aesthetic appeal of commercial landscapes. As autumn approaches, it is important to focus on improving soil health and restoring turf density.

  • Core Aeration: Schedule core aeration to alleviate soil compaction, improve root penetration, and facilitate nutrient absorption. Prioritize high-traffic areas and sections showing signs of thinning.
  • Overseeding: Take advantage of cooler temperatures and ample moisture to overseed sparse areas with resilient grass varieties. Ensure proper seed-to-soil contact and monitor germination progress.
  • Soil Testing: Conduct soil tests to identify nutrient deficiencies and pH imbalances, using targeted fertilization strategies tailored to the specific needs of the turf.
  • Topdressing: Add organic material to amend the soil as indicated on soil test results. Adding fresh nutrients helps support turf at the root.

By adopting a proactive approach to post-summer turf care and addressing the lingering effects of heat stress, pet urine damage, fungal diseases, and turf thinning, commercial landscaping companies can ensure that their outdoor spaces retain their lush greenery and vitality well into the autumn months.