Recruiting Events

recruitingTo maintain and further increase our leadership position in the landscape and construction industries, it is imperative to recruit from the strongest programs in the nation. We are dedicated to attracting and retaining the industry’s best and brightest in order to be at the forefront of innovation in the green industry. To that end, our recruiting team visits numerous colleges and universities along the East Coast and in Texas to meet and greet up-and-comers in the field.

Career Fair Schedule

Date School Event
2/10 Georgia Southern STEM Networking Event
2/11 Georgia Southern Career Showcase Event
2/19 University of Georgia Environment & Design Career Fair
2/19 Pennsylvania College of Technology Landscape, Horticulture & Forestry Day
3/5 North Carolina State University Hot Jobs Career Fair
3/18 Williamson College of the Trades Spring Career Fair

See you at NCLC 2026!

March 18-21 2026 | Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI

The National Collegiate Landscape Competition (NCLC) is an annual three-day powerhouse event that brings together the top landscape and horticulture students, top industry companies, and dozens of the biggest industry manufacturers and suppliers. Each year more than 800 students from two- and four-year colleges demonstrate their skills in real-world, competitive events and network with top companies at the largest Career Fair in the industry.

Read a recap of our recent NCLC experience!