Designated as a National Monument in 2000, President Lincoln’s Cottage served as the Lincoln family residence for a quarter of his presidency and is the most significant historic site directly associated with his presidency aside from The White House. The landscape design was unique in that all plant material, hardscape, walkways, brickwork, grading, and irrigation contiguous to the Cottage had to be appropriate for the Civil War period during which Lincoln inhabited the Cottage and/or cause minimal disruption to the historic landscape. All job site excavations—including every tree pit and footer—was subject to review by an archeologist/historian which created unforeseen delays and necessitated work be done out of sequence to move the project along. The installation included curb and gutter, sidewalks (exposed aggregate, stabilized gravel, and brick paver), asphalt trails, cobble gutter pans, granite-clad concrete walls, granite steps, irrigation, low voltage lighting and landscape that included numerous 4-10” caliper deciduous trees and 20ft evergreens, seed, sod, and statuary.
Project Scope
Landscape, Drainage, Grading, Pavers, Natural Stone Pavers, Concrete Flatwork, Masonry, Demolition, Soils, Statue Installation and Site Furnishings