Robinson Landing is a luxury condominium project located in Old Town Alexandria, VA. This mixed-use renewal project was designed to breathe new life into the two-acre, multi-parcel site by incorporating three key elements: 26 four-story townhomes, three, five-story multi-family buildings and 10,000 SF of restaurant and commercial space. Additional design features included an extension of neighboring streets for better vehicle access, improved pedestrian access to the large-scale promenade, waterfront and pier and features that tie it to the city’s storm water management plan. All of these things work to create an environmentally conscious area where people can live, work and recreate, blending a contemporary design with the industrial character of the historic riverfront.
The overall scope of this project included the excavation of 425 CY of soil; installation of 70 silva cells; 122 tons of stone; 460 tons of sand; 2066 CY of soil; 49,000 SF of soil fabric; 96,425 SF of pavers; 38,000 SF of concrete work (which included subslab, footers, flatwork, colored concrete stairs, walls, curb and gutter, CMU walls, bioretention vaults and the base for a water feature); masonry including granite veneer and coping on all walls and stair treads; drainage; irrigation; over $1.4 million in site amenities which included steel railings, benches, bollards, planters, curved chaises, a bike rack and shade structure; 670 SY of sod, over 100 trees and shrubs, and 8000 perennials.
Awards & Recognition
GOLD AWARD in the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) 2022 Awards of Excellence.
GRAND AWARD in the Landscape Contractors Association (LCA) 2022 Excellence in Landscape Awards.